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Body Dysmorphia Part Two

Body Dysmorphia is classified as a psychiatric condition alongside Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is characterized as high levels of preoccupation and thoughts about imagined or minor imperfections (e.g. acne scarring can lead to a person developing body dysmorphia). Negative behaviours can include seeking reassurance and mirror checking in a way that interferes with everyday life. Severe cases lead to a visual distortion of the self and thus slower visual processing recognition, which may need at least 3 hypnotherapy sessions to resolve due to the layering of programming that is requiring healing. Possible causes can derive from child abuse and sexual trauma however 8% of body dysmorphia sufferers have a relative who also has body dysmorphia.

Studies have discovered that clients with body dysmorphia have more white matter and abnormal symmetry in the sub cortical area. White matter is responsible for transmitting signals, connectivity and rewiring in the body. The frontal lobe has the role of emotional awareness, movement and awareness of movement and is linked to reduced aversion to pain. Therefore common body dysmorphia preconceived thoughts can include "I'm not enough, I won't be loved, I don't fit in or It's not for me"

Rapid Transformational Therapy is as much a soul restoring as it is a mind altering process. RTT is about removing the disappointment (or any other negative thought patterns that are a usual mode of thinking) from the conscious mind and thus changing the perception created about how they, and others see, themself. If you, or someone you know needs support to heal from body dysmorphia, contact NJK Hypnotherapy to arrange a discovery call.

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